OMS Student/Family Handbook
Students and Families Handbook 2024-2025
Principal: Amy Lazic
Assistant Principal: Stephanie L. Archer
Assistant Principal: Aminah Hassan
Assistant Principal: Sandra Lisic
Oakland Meadow School
590 Old Snellville Hwy
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Gwinnett County Public Schools Vision
Gwinnett County Public Schools will become a system of world-class schools where students acquire the knowledge and skills to be successful in college and careers.
Gwinnett County Public Schools Mission
The mission of Gwinnett County Public Schools is to pursue excellence in academic knowledge, skills, and behavior for each student, resulting in measured improvement against local, national, and world-class standards.
Oakland Meadow Vision
Our vision is to be exceptional at providing all students with an individualized education and the necessary supports to be successful in college, career, and life.
Oakland Meadow Mission
Our mission is to provide research-based, innovative, and individualized learning opportunities for all students to acquire the knowledge and skills to be successful in life.
Our Commitment to Learning
At Oakland Meadow School we are committed to providing an exceptional day of learning to each and every student that we serve every day!
Our Motto
Oakland is LOVE!
Academic Knowledge & Skills (AKS)
The AKS are the objectives GCPS teachers are expected to teach, and students are expected to learn at each grade level. In essence, it is the defined curriculum. Families will learn more about the AKS during Open House but you may also review these or print a personal copy from the GCPS website.
Arrival and Dismissal
Therapeutic Day Program: Instruction for the day begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 2:45. Students who are not in their classrooms by the 8:15 bell will be marked tardy and tardy students must be signed in at the front lobby desk by their Families. Students are not counted tardy if their GCPS bus arrives late.
SID/PID and SID/PID Transition Programs: Instruction for the day begins at 9:15 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. Students who are not in their classrooms by the 9:15 bell will be marked tardy and tardy students must be signed in at the front lobby desk by their Families. Students are not counted tardy if their GCPS bus arrives late.
There are daily formative instructional practices that teachers use in order to help teachers focus on student learning and understanding. Informal and formal data will be collected during learning so that teachers can differentiate, support, and adjust the teaching to meet the needs of all students.
In addition, District Assessments are a part of Gwinnett County Public School’s Balanced Assessment System. They are developed to align to the Academic, Knowledge, and Skills (AKS) and GCPS instructional calendars in the areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies and are a blend of both formative and summative assessments administered at the classroom level to measure student learning of the AKS. These assessments allow students to demonstrate what they know, understand, and are able to do and help teachers determine whether students are performing as expected or need additional support to be successful.
Administration of required District Assessments, Interim/Midyear/1st and 2nd Semester Finals/End of Year Assessments, occur once every quarter at the 9-, 18-, 27-, and 36-week marks and require a maximum of one class period to complete.
The data from the assessments provide teachers, students, Families, and other stakeholders with information regarding student learning. Students are encouraged to review their assessment results and teacher feedback to help improve their learning. Teachers use the data during planning and refining of instruction to identify the need for remediation and extension activities for students. District leaders use the data to provide instructional support for teachers to help improve student achievement.
In compliance with Georgia Attendance Law, the following absences will be classified as excused:
*Personal illness endangering a student’s health or the health of others
*A serious illness or death in a student’s immediate family
*A court order or an order by a governmental agency
*Observing religious holidays or military families on leave
*Conditions making attendance impossible or hazardous to student health or safety
For each absence, a written or emailed excuse explaining the absence must be brought to school within two days of return to school. Prompt and consistent attendance at school is expected. Instilling these behaviors in our students is an important factor in their school success as well as their future success. Student attendance is monitored by the school. Excessive excused and/or unexcused tardiness and/or absences may result in referral to administration, counselors, and/or social workers in addition to parent/guardian receipt of alert letters when certain attendance patterns develop.
Bus Transportation
Each student must have a transportation tag attached to his/her book bag per Gwinnett County policy, which should not be removed, by the Families or the students for the entire school year. This helps us to ensure that each child gets home safely. If your child gets a new book bag or the tag comes off, please let their teacher know asap to have their tag replaced. Bus drivers require transportation tags for every student. Please be aware that approval for a change in transportation may take up to 10 school days.
Car Rider Transportation
If a parent/guardian must transport their child to or from school by car, they will need to adhere to the following pick-up and drop- off times.
Therapeutic Day Program: Drop-Off 7:45-8:15 Pick-up 2:45-3:00 |
SID/PID and Transition Programs: Drop-Off 8:45-9:15 Pick-up 3:45-4:00 |
Check-in and Check-out must occur in the front office. Families must accompany their child into the building and check in at the front desk. They will need to wait with their child until someone arrives to retrieve their student. At the end of the day, if a child is not picked up, and no parent/guardian is reached, the school resource officer will be contacted to guide the school on how to proceed.
Cell Phone Policy
The Gwinnett County Board of Education (BOE) permits students to have in their possession an electronic pager or communication device on a limited basis. However, the BOE prohibits the use by a student of any personal electronic communications device during school hours or on a school bus. The local school principal may set forth rules pertaining to student possession and use (O.C.G.A. 20-2-1183). Students may use school phones to call home, when necessary, with the permission of their teacher. We do not permit students to receive phone calls during the day, as this distracts from the learning environment. All student phones should be turned off and kept in the child’s book bag. Violation of this policy may result in a phone restriction at school. Additionally, the school is not responsible for lost or stolen phones and/or technology devices.
Clinic (Telephone # 770-339-0892)
The Oakland Meadow School clinic is staffed by a registered nurse. Families/Guardians will be called if a child is too ill to remain at school. Students with a fever of 101 or higher will be sent home and need to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Families should report to the front office to sign out a child from the clinic if they are contacted within a reasonable amount of time (Approx: 1 hour). Designated personnel are authorized to administer medications to students when the proper paperwork is completed by the parent/guardian. Medications should always be in the original containers when brought to or picked up from school by an adult. These procedures are a safety precaution for your child, both when on the bus and when visiting the clinic. Families should inform the school if their child has a contagious disease. Please do not send your child to school when he/she is feeling ill and there is risk of infecting others. When your child is ill or running a temperature, please do not send him or her to school and risk the health of others.
Oakland Meadow School offers students a variety of clubs during the school day. Students have the opportunity to participate in 1 club monthly during their school day. Clubs are sponsored by OMS staff members each month.
Closing of the School
GCPS schools and facilities may close in the event of hazardous weather or other emergencies which present threats to the safety of students, staff, or school property. As a rule, the decision to cancel school is made before 6 a.m. The school system immediately notifies all major radio and television stations in metro Atlanta. In addition, the information is announced on GCPS TV and posted on the school system’s website. Should severe weather move into the area during the day, plans to cancel classes will be announced on metro-Atlanta radio and TV stations and on the school system's web site before school is dismissed.
Communication from/with the school
Student work and parent communication from the teacher or the school will be sent home in the communication folder and via ParentSquare. Families should review the items in their child’s folder, remove contents and/or sign and return any documents requiring such and send it back the next morning. Teachers and Families are encouraged to send brief notes to one another via this notebook as well as through ParentSquare.
Current Student/Parent Information
It is extremely important that you keep the school informed of any changes in your home, work and/or cell phone numbers as well as address. Providing local phone numbers are important to ensure ease when trying to contact you. When changes occur, you can simply send a note in with your child or email the teacher to let them know and they in turn will let the office know. A change of address requires new proof of residence. The front office needs this information to ensure these changes are reflected on your child’s emergency dismissal card, clinic card, and updated in our electronic student records database. You are also encouraged to keep emergency contact names and numbers up to date so your children can be released, in an emergency, to those individuals you have designated.
Digital Learning Days
GCPS has established 4 DLD for the 24-25 school year. Students will be learning from home on the 4 indicated days to allow time for teachers to collaborate and plan for instruction. Guidance will be provided for each of the upcoming days.
Below are the 4 DLD dates: 09/20/24 11/5/24 2/7/25 3/14/25 |
Dress Code
Students are encouraged to dress in age & weather appropriate attire. Shoes should preferably be sneakers or sandals that can be fastened to the foot. Flip-flops are strongly discouraged as they are not appropriate for Gym or daily recess and can cause unnecessary accidents. Short skirts, short shorts or abdomen bearing shirts (halter tops/crop tops) are not appropriate dress for school. Students are required to dress appropriately for school. In addition to the requirements established by the local school, prohibited dress shall include any attire that depicts, promotes, or advertises gang affiliation, illegal activity, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco, sexual references, offensive words or designs, and other clothing which is disruptive to the learning environment.
Early Check Out
Early check out by Families or guardians must take place prior to 2:30 daily for students in the Therapeutic Day Program and 3:30 daily for SID/PID students. You will be required to show a picture I.D. prior to having a child released to exit the building. Teachers are not permitted to release students from the classroom, even at parent/guardian request. All check-outs must be facilitated from the front office. Families are encouraged to try and schedule student medical appointments outside of the school day, in an effort to maximize the students’ opportunity for learning.
Early Release
Students will be dismissed on 4 Early Release days (see calendar for dates) for Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Below are the Early Release Times: Therapeutic Day Program 12:15 pm SID/PID Program 1:20 pm |
Below are the Early Release dates: 10/23/24 & 10/24/24 03/05/25 & 03/06/25 |
Emergency Drills
Fire drills are held monthly throughout the school year in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia. Severe weather drills are held on the date designated by the State of Georgia during Severe Weather Awareness Week. Lockdown and evacuation drills are reviewed with staff and students. They are practiced and evaluated on an as needed basis.
Emergency Information for Families
If a situation of a serious nature occurred at school, families would be notified by way of School Messenger. It is imperative that the school has all up to date telephone information.
Emergency Situations
If there were an emergency where students had to be evacuated from Oakland Meadow School, Families may be reunited with their child at Sunrise Baptist Church, 3000 Sugarloaf Parkway, Lawrenceville, GA 30045. All Oakland Meadow students will be transported there by Gwinnett County School buses and children will be released to Families/guardians after proper identification has been made. The release of children to Families and guardians needs to be an orderly process so please stay in your cars and follow all instructions when you arrive at Sunrise Baptist Church.
Grades are a means of evaluating and reporting student academic progress. The grades should have a positive influence on students. Classroom teachers utilize a variety of assessment activities in determining the grade. All aspects of the evaluation of student progress, including any tests, is designed to accurately reflect achievement of the objectives for the area of learning. The teacher’s evaluation of student progress will be available to students and Families. The grade is a report of the individual student's progress (as defined by the AKS).
Kindergarten and first grade students’ progress is reported as follows:
E- Excellent S- Satisfactory N- Needs to Improve U- Unsatisfactory |
Grades 2 – 12 students’ academic progress shall be graded by means of a numerical average according to the following scale for:
90% and above A shall indicate excellent progress 80%-89% B shall indicate above average progress 70%-79% C shall indicate average progress 0%-69% U/F shall indicate unsatisfactory progress/failure of acceptable progress |
Midterm reports, progress reports, and report cards are the school’s way of informing Families how their child has performed academically over a certain period of time. The report card is a culminating document which summarizes the work the students have completed and the level to which they have attained. Midterm reports, progress reports, and report cards are only informational instruments. Report Cards will be issued after the first semester (Winter Break) and second semester. Progress reports will be provided throughout the year, and grades may be checked via the Parent Portal.
Conduct will be graded using the E, S, N, U scale. A grade of E reflects no deficiencies in conduct. The grade S may indicate satisfactory progress with no checked deficiencies or one or two minor deficiencies. The grade N indicates needs improvement based on multiple deficiencies. A grade of U indicates unsatisfactory progress/failure of acceptable progress.
Homeless Children & Youth
The Stewart B. McKinney/Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act ensures the educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. It provides legal protections for children and youth in homeless situations to enroll in, attend, and succeed in school or pre-school. In accordance with this law, GCPS affords homeless children and youth equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education such as Head Start, Even Start, State Pre-K, and Title I Preschool Programs as provided to other students. Homeless children and youth will have access to education and other services needed to have an opportunity to meet the same challenging state student academic standards to which all students are held. Please contact the registrar at individual schools for further information.
Family Involvement
Families are strongly encouraged to attend local school events and volunteer their time at the school. The best way to let us know of your availability is to connect with our school Social Worker. In order to protect instructional time, we ask that classroom volunteers not bring siblings/small children with them when volunteering.
Parent Portal
Gwinnett County Public Schools has developed a Parent Portal for Families to review their child’s school records and grades from the comfort of their own homes. Each parent/guardian will receive a password and will be able to access their children’s records. Please contact the registrar/SDMC to request information on how to set up your account.
Phone Messages
Should you wish to contact any staff member for any reason, simply call the main phone line and our receptionist will be happy to take a message. Teachers are not able to come to the phone during instructional hours, so it is best to leave a message. Phone messages are not taken or given to students, unless it is an emergency. Families are encouraged to contact staff via e-mail as well.
Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS)
PBIS consists of three main components: teaching appropriate behavior in all settings, providing interventions when behavior expectations are not met, and recognizing students when behavior expectations are met. Oakland Meadow School PBIS focus is for all to be Respectful, Responsible, Role Models. We recognize student successes in these areas by giving out Black Knight Bucks which can be cashed in for items of interest. These students’ successes are also celebrated once a month.
For GCPS Student Conduct Behavior Code, please visit the ES Student and Family Handbook on the GCPS website:
School Nutrition Program
The school cafeteria is maintained as a service to students and Families and is a vital part of our health program. Meals for students who attend Oakland Meadow School are provided by the Winn Holt Cafeteria. To encourage good nutrition, a well-balanced lunch and breakfast are served daily. Free & Reduced meal applications can be obtained during Registration, from the school cafeteria manager, or online.
Meals can be paid for online on the My Payments Plus website.
- Student breakfast: Free through the Universal Breakfast School Program
- Student Lunch: $2.50
- Reduced Lunch: $0.40
- Milk: $0.40
- Adult breakfast: $2.50
- Adult lunch: $4.00
Student Awards Ceremonies
Students are recognized for their achievements during the school year. Information on the recognition ceremonies will be communicated to families ahead of time.
Student Birthday Recognition
Families are welcome to send in or bring treats to the school to celebrate their child’s birthday. Birthday celebrations will occur during student lunches. Families must notify their child’s classroom teacher in advance. Treats must be pre-packaged, or store bought. No nuts allowed. Homemade baked good, or treats are not permitted due to unknown food safety standards in home kitchens. The school maintains the right to inspect and approve any treats prior to students being offered them.
Textbooks and other instructional materials including Chromebooks are assigned to your student. It is the student’s responsibility to manage these materials. Textbooks, library books, digital devices, and other school materials must be paid for if lost, stolen, or damaged.
Title IX Notice
If you believe you are being mistreated by school employees on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin or handicap, please tell any school employee in whom you have confidence that you have a complaint about the manner in which you were treated and why. You may also contact Sandra Lisic, Title IX Coordinator, at 770-513-6802.
Transportation Changes
If your child’s mode of transportation changes, whether permanently, or only for a single day or group of days, your child must provide your request, in writing, with your signature, to their teacher when they arrive at school in the morning. The teacher will then send the child to the office to document the change. No verbal requests from a child will be honored, nor will parent/guardian phone calls be accepted as we have no way of verifying ID over a phone. These practices are for the safety and security of your child. No changes should be sent over e-mail for the same reason, and teachers may not receive it prior to dismissal time. In an emergency, an emailed note with your signature and photo ID will be considered by administration on a case-by-case basis.
Use of the Technology and Electronic Media for Students
Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) recognizes that the use of technology is prevalent in society. Students and staff have access to the internet, cell phones, games, and a variety of personal technology devices. Students and staff utilize social media websites and applications as well as a variety of other digital resources that allow them to interact, share, create and innovate. Staff members utilize these same resources as a means to effectively engage students, motivate student learning, and collaborate with colleagues.
When using GCPS technology or network access, students are expected to follow the Student Conduct Behavior Code, including respecting others’ privacy. Online student accounts to be used for legitimate educational purposes will be subject to monitoring and review, including review of text and attachments that are related to that student or students. At NO TIME should a student consider GCPS email, networked applications, or account or technology access private or confidential in any way.
While the school district does maintain internet filters, there may be times when a student may accidentally or purposefully discover inappropriate materials online. Gwinnett County Public Schools DOES NOT CONDONE the use of such materials. Inappropriate use of any GCPS technology resource or network access is a violation of the Student Conduct Behavior Code.
Gwinnett County Public Schools is a 1:1 district. When a device has been assigned to a student and taken home or a technology resource has been checked out to a student, it is the family’s responsibility to monitor its use to ensure the student is following the Student Conduct Behavior Code and to ensure that the device or resource is returned in the condition it was received.
Access is a privilege, not a right, and all students are expected to treat this learning tool with respect. GCPS technology, network access, and electronic resources must not be used to:
- Harm other people.
- Interfere with other people’s work.
- Steal property.
- Gain unauthorized access to other people’s files or programs.
- Gain unauthorized access to online resources, including obtaining or using someone else’s password.
- Make changes to the hardware or software configuration of any machine, including installing or deleting any software.
- Improperly use the network, including introducing software viruses and/or bypassing local school or office security policies.
- Steal, alter, or damage data and/or computers and network equipment.
- Access, upload, download, and/or distribute pornographic, hate-oriented, profane, obscene, or sexually explicit material.
Failure to follow these guidelines can violate C.G.A. § 16-9-90, § 16-9-91, § 16-9-93, and § 16-9-93.1 as well as Title XVII of The United States Public Law 106-554, known as the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Such use can also lead to disciplinary actions, up to and including loss of access to GCPS technology resources and further disciplinary actions as defined by existing GCPS policies. Such disciplinary actions may include confiscation of technology being used inappropriately if an incident occurs.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
COPPA applies to operators of commercial websites and online services and limits their ability to collect personal information from children under the age of 13. COPPA allows the school to act as the parent’s agent and consent to the collection of a student’s information on the parent’s behalf within the educational context where an operator collects personal information from students for the use and benefit of the school, and for no other commercial purpose. By signing the response form, Families grant consent for Gwinnett County Public Schools, and Gwinnett County Public Schools’ employees, to act as the parent’s agent in providing consent for the collection of student information within the educational context.
Supplemental Technology and Student Email
GCPS provides access to Google G Suite for Education and Microsoft Office 365 as supplemental resources to the district’s adopted Learning Management System for local schools to use if they wish. GCPS will allow the use and issue student email (Google Gmail and Microsoft Outlook) accounts to students for use internal to GCPS only. Students can access the email from any device via the Student Portal. However, for security purposes, students will only be able to send and receive emails to and from other Gwinnett County Public Schools users.
Visitation Policy
Families should not escort students to the classroom in the morning. In order to protect instructional time, please notify the teacher 24 hours in advance if you would like to make a classroom visit. If you wish to discuss the progress of your child, you should call, send an email or make a conference appointment at a time when class is not in session. North Metro Staff hours are 7:30-3:30 and SID/PID staff hours are 8:15-4:15. Only Families and/or legal guardians are allowed access to enrolled students. Families and/or legal guardians who come in without an appointment will be asked to return at another time, mutually agreed upon by the teacher.
Families/guardians are welcome to come and have lunch with their child/ren during the scheduled lunch time. For the safety and security of all students however, no other students will be allowed to join you. Food from restaurants is not permitted to be consumed on the premises. This is discouraged as we want to be sensitive to those students whose families are unable to visit them during lunchtime and/or bring them restaurant meals.
*The officers, employees, and officials identified in this handbook are charged with using their personal judgment and deliberation in executing the functions and tasks set forth herein and nothing in the procedure/process/practice/manual/handbook should be construed or interpreted to create any ministerial duties on behalf of any officer, employee or official.
Student name: ______________________________________________
X __________________________________________________ X ______________________ |
Parent name: _______________________________________________